
About Java

Java gurus proclaim that Java has the future. Java is supposed to be platform independent, and will consequently undermine Microsoft’s leading position.

I admit that Java extends the possibilities of HTML for creation of Web pages, however have some doubt about all the proclaimed merits.

Java is a stripped C++ language. It is pure object oriented (it does not use global variables). In this way Java inherits the advantages and disadvantages of object oriented programming. Due to the purity, it is an ideal language to learn object oriented programming (no cheating).

Some advantages of Java and object oriented programming language are:

  1. Due to exchangeability of code, programs can be assembled quickly. Anyone who has programmed in Delphi or C builder, knows that building an extensive interface doesn’t take much time anymore.
  2. Allows multi-threading. Creating programs where more than one action can take place at a time, would require extensive programming for a DOS environment. (MS Windows is a typical object oriented program).

Some disadvantages are:

  1. Class structure is harder to understand than simple tasks in an old fashioned single pass program. Even more experienced code developers stumble over virtual components.
  2. Classes do not only inherit all the functionality of their ancestors, but also all bugs. Debugging an object oriented program is extra hard.
  3. As Java byte code has to be interpreted, the programs work slowly, and require a high end computer (100 MHz processor and 32 MB RAM).
  4. Due to the protective limitations and the platform independence, Java can not be used for every required task in a computer. Conventional language compilers will be required for writing Java interpreters, operating systems and tools.

The major effect of Java, and its possibilities, on the internet is that more effort is put into creating an advanced layout than into the contents. Java has transferred the net from an information based net into and electric circus.

jmm, Dec. 1997.

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